.. |madison_axi| replace:: :mod:`madison_axi` Welcome to madison_axi's documentation! ======================================= Overview -------- |madison_axi| is a Python library that allows users to directly control an `AxiDraw `_ by writing Python code. Its source code is on `GitHub `_. If you'd just like to get started, check out the :doc:`quickstart` guide. The AxiDraw is a really neat little robot that can be controlled in a number of ways. The standard way of using an AxiDraw is to use a program like RoboPaint or Inkscape, draw a picture with your mouse/trackpad, and then basically hit a "print" button that sends the picture to the bot, which then automatically paints it on a piece of paper. For more information, see `the bot's official documentation `_. |madison_axi| is a little bit different: rather than having you draw a picture by hand using a mouse or trackpad, |madison_axi| lets you control the bot directly by writing Python code. You write a line like ``pen_up()`` and the bot lifts the pen away from the page; you write ``move_forward(100)`` and the bot moves the pen "forward" 100 "steps"; etc. The library also makes use of the ``turtle`` module in order to allow users to visualize what their program will paint when it's connected to the AxiDraw. |madison_axi| was written for use in an intermediate Python class in Madison High School in Portland, Oregon. Useful pages ------------ .. toctree :: :maxdepth: 2 quickstart madison_axi